
Guangzhou has been for a while a center of China's trade Canton Fair along with the rest of the world

Guangzhou has been for a while a center of China's trade Canton Fair along with the rest of the world. Until the mid-19th century, the Qing Dynasty kept have business dealings with Europe limited not just to town, but in a single merchant guild mentioned by Westerners as "the Cohong." Even if the Treaty of Nanjing, which ended the Opium Wars and forced China to unwrap additional ports to European trade, old Canton continued to be crucial trading hub among the five Treaty Ports established by a treaty.
1966, at the beginning for the Cultural Revolution, 2673 revolutionary slogans and sayings were labeling near the fair center, with another 445 fecal material Chinese Leader portraits. There was slogans in of toilets, and portraits while in the negotiation table, literally. These slogans and portraits disappeared gradually all through the opening of China, and after this were substituted with the colorful labels of advertisement.
Regardless if the export business in 2012 may decline, it isn't really a direct threat on the multitude of exporters and manufacturers in China. Canton Fair 2013 In the meantime, manufacturers and their US buyers have to deal with probably the most challenging issue: shipments before Chinese New Year in January. For an additional pair two months, manufacturers would be struggling to finance production to make sure goods could be shipped just before Chinese New Year, when factories may pack up for up to four weeks, as you move US buyers are under great pressure to fund payments to the suppliers.

